Mare Mourning

Oil Painting

Created for Strike: Lethal White. After the work of George Stubbs (1724-1806).

The painting depicts a mare in a pastoral landscape, in front of a small brick rubbing house, similar to those depicted in Stubbs' Newmarket series. The mare's head is lowered, mourning the loss of a pure white foal. The foal is believed to have Lethal White syndrome, a genetic disorder that affects horses and is caused by a mutation in the EDNRB gene. Foals born with this condition often die within a few days of birth due to severe intestinal malformations.

Object details

Object TypeOil Painting
Materials and techniques
CreatorsThomas Love (concept art)
Desmond Mac Mahon (oil painting)
Creation date2019
ProjectStrike: Lethal White
Copyright© Brontë Film & TV

About this object record

This object was created as a prop or piece of scenic set dressing for a film or television production. It is neither an historic original or an object from the archives but a carefully crafted fake designed to entertain.